如何改掉坏习惯?| 酷炫脑教你学英语

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We all have habits we like to break whether it’s biting your fingernails, smoking or eating late at night but why are these habits so hard to break?
Perhaps you think your day is made up of deliberate conscious decisions but in reality, a University of Duke study found that 45% of your everyday behaviours are actions that you repeat everyday and tend to do in the same location. These are your habits.
Habits are attributed to one of the most primitive structures in your brain,the Basal Ganglia, the same region that helps control processes such as breathing and swallowing.
In an MIT experiment, a mouse sits behind a gate of a T-shaped maze where to its left is a piece od chocolate.
When the door clicks, the mouse explores the maze sniffing and scratching up the walls. First it explores the right and then to the left, eventually finding the chocolate.
A scan of the basal ganglia shows it’s working serious throughout the whole process.
However, after a week of training, the mouse runs immediately towards the chocolate once the gate clicks.
At this point there is very little brain activity once the gate clicks and the brain doesn’t fire up again until it reaches the chocolate.
Our brain seeks to minimize effort and space and this kind of automatic brain behaviour is referred to as chunking. Chunking aims at creating a new habit pattern in cells of the brain. It’s like a task you do everyday that you no longer really have to think about, brushing your teeth or backing out of your driveway.
Skills that were once difficult to master but now become automatic.
This process is a step loop.
Step 1 is the cue which for the mouse is click of the gate.
Step 2 is the routine run through the base.
And step 3 is the reward, in this case chocolate.
The cue and reward eventually intertwine creating anticipation and cravings —— another central of habit.
Because we go into automatic mode during routines, our brains stop fully participating in decision making.
Our habits will automatically unfold every time there’s a cue.
These habits can be so entrenched that the rewards don’t even have to be good.
A study of habitual popcorn eaters at the movies found that they were minimally impacted by hunger or how much they liked the food and they ate the same amount of popcorn regardless of whether it was stale or fresh.
Our habits often overrule what we know is good for us, for example, a study of America’s TAKE 5 campaign to encourage citizens to eat 5 fruits and vegetables a day found the program was effective in educating the public, but an assessment found that it did not change American Intake where only 11% met the goal. It changed the people’s intentions but not their habits.
我们的习惯常常打败那些我们明明知道是有益的事情。例如,美国TAKE 5活动旨在鼓励公民每天吃5种水果和蔬菜,针对该活动的研究表明,这项活动有效地向公民传播了相关知识和道理,达到了很好的教育效果。但评估发现,认识的提高并没有改变美国民众对水果和蔬菜的摄入量,仅有11%的人达到活动定下的目标。这项活动改变了人们的意图而不是他们的习惯。
So what are you to do
Charles Duhigg author of THE POWER OF HABIT gives an example of buying a cookie everyday around 3.15 pm at work.
《习惯的力量》的作者查尔斯·杜希格(Charles Duhigg)举了一个例子来说明:他习惯每个工作日下午3点15分左右去买一块小曲奇。
The cue is 3 o’clock but the reward is a bit more complicated as the cookie can be a bundle of many rewards.
It could be a relief from hunger or an energy boost, satiating a craving for something sweet, or it could be a nice break from work; or even an opportunity to talk to people.
Duhigg want to break his cookie habit and after some trial and error, discovered that what he really craved is socialization that came from buying the cookie.
So around 3, he would get up and find someone to gossip with for 10 minutes instead.
By using the same cue and same reward of socialization, he was able to break the cookie habit.
But what about the habits that you don’t always notice like biting your nails?
Psychologists suggest that first you think about when you bite your nails. Are you nervous, or bored
In the case of boredom, nail biting offers a physical stimulation.
So next you need to mark down every time in your day you feel bored and have the compulsion to bite you nails. Maybe that’s 5 times a day, maybe it’s 28.
But then you want to implement a competing response. Whenever you feel the desire to bite, you immediately put your hands in your pockets. Next, find a substitute that provides a quick physical stimulation like rubbing your arm or taping your knuckles on the desk.
This allows for one habit to be replaced by another with similar reward but also used the same cue. So when you are ready to take on a bad habit, just remember: figure out what your body is actually craving, use the same cue and reward that serves the correct purpose, and be patient to help build that new habit.
翻译 | 刘晓彤
编辑 | Mandy
第 7 期:如何应对压力和焦虑
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第 1 期:人并不仅是男或女这么简单

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